"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." Corinthians 10:4

S.O.S. Mission

S.O.S. is on a mission to Save Our Schools! This is not an attempt to put prayer back into the public schools. This, however, is a charge for prayer for the public schools, without impacting the rights or freedoms of any Principal, Teacher, Student, Faculty, or Staff of any public school.
We know that our Congress and Elected Officials are doing everything they can to thwart this terror, but these senseless acts continue to invade our most valuable resource of growth for our children, and that is our schools. This is an initiative to take action against this type of terror… a terror that is aimed at destroying our families and the future of our nation.
If you believe in the power of prayer, then join other Principals, Teachers, and Faculty members, as we partner in prayer, for God’s protection our schools every Monday morning.


Only Believers in the Power of Prayer (Faculty & Staff from every Public School District in the country)


Mondays from 5:00am - 5:30am


Free Conference Call (number will be sent to your email address
